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Senior Programs

Care Coordination

The Eastern Shore Area Agency on Aging serves as the focal point of programs for the aging population of the Eastern Shore and is responisble for advocacy on behalf of the elderly and the delivery of services for seniors with the greatest economic and social needs. 


Care Coordination is a service that assists persons 60 years and older living in Accomack and Northampton counties to remain independent for as long as possible.  Care Coordination provides information, referrals, comprehensive assessments, as well as the coordination and monitoring of available services

Care Transition

ESAAA/CAA is partnering with VAAACares®  to reduce hospital re-admissions.  Our certified coaches will work with you so that you can remain healthy and independent.

Senior Centers 

ESAAA operates two Senior Centers in Accomack and Northampton Counties where seniors can take part in recreation, health, education, transportation and social activities. Daily luncheon meals are provided in our senior centers throughout the Eastern Shore. Seniors who cannot attend for our home delivered meals program may be eligible for our Home Delivered Meals Programs. For more information call (757)-442-9652.

Nursing Home Diversion Community Re-entry

ESAAA/CAA works with nursing home residents who are able and desire to return to the community.  If you or a family member has been residing in a nursing home for 6 months or longer, we may be able to help.

Long-term Care Ombudsman Program

Care Givers Program

ESAAA/CAA partners with Hospice, Riverside Hospital, Rural Health and the Alzheimer's Association to provide training and support groups for those caregiving for their loved ones.  Respite services are also available.

Commonwealth Coordinated Care Programs

Commonwealth Coordinated Care is a combined Medicare and Medicaid plan that includes all the benefits you currently received under Medicare and Medicaid plus other additional benefits.

Home Delivered Meals

Providing frozen or shelf stable meals to qualified participants. For more information about our Home Delivered Meals Program call (757)-442-9652.


VICAP counselors can assist seniors in obtaining low-cost prescription drug plans under Medicare Part D. Counselors can also assist with Medicaid, Medicare supplemental Insurance and in understand your medical bills.

LTCOP serves as an advocate for the elderly by investigating and helping to resolve issues of concern to seniors and their families regarding quality of care, nursing facilities, and residents right in adult care facilities. 

*All of the programs and services provided by ESAAA/CAA are provided without regard to age, race, sex, religion, disability, political beliefs or national origin. 

For a more comprehensive list of services and programs we offer please give us a call at 757-442-9652 or email us

ESAAA/CAA | 5432 Bayside Road Exmore, VA 23350 | (757)442-9652

COPYRIGHT © 2018| Eastern Shore Area Agency on Aging/Community Action Agency All Rights reserved.

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Contact Us

5432 Bayside Road
Exmore, VA 23350

Phone: (757)-442-9652

Toll Free: 1(800)-452-5977

Fax: (757)-442-9303

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